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Put on a headset, grab those controllers and let's explore dual worlds and the music of the cosmos.
This interactive program consists of two parts:
Shadowtime - Sister Sylvester and Deniz Tortum - Turkey, The Netherlands - 8 minutes
While using VR, you're in two places at the same time. Your body is in one world, but your heart and mind are in another. Dutch production Shadowtime plays with this idea while placing you in two different worlds, with two bodies and four hands. Becasue don't we all live in conflicting realities? The contrast beteen our mundane day-to-day live and the loomng threat of climate change, to name but one. Guide Alma leads you through an VR experience which shows that this art form is not just about escapism.
Spheres - Eliza McNitt - France - 10 minutes
Usually, we look at the stars and planets in order to grasp the universe and our place within it. In Spheres, we use our ears. Because space isn't silent. Dive into a black hole and discover the hidden music of the cosmos. You select one of three chapters in which science and art become one. This breathtaking VR production features the voices of Patti Smith, Jessica Chastain and Millie Bobby Brown. Winner of the Venice Film Festival's VR competition.
- Duur 30 min
- Taal English, no subtitles

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